Examples are highlighted with green, while similar words have in front of them representative symbols. The result display is neatly structured into verbs, nouns, adverbs, or adjectives, along with common and complex explanations, synonyms, and antonyms. Just type in the desired phase, and the hit Enter. The smart term entry suggests possible spellings as you type, and displays words that sound the same. It's downloaded and set up through the Store and offers a clean and user-friendly interface divided into a search bar, and the explanation panel.

It uses both offline and online dictionaries, like Chambers Dictionary and Thesaurus, Wikipedia, Bing, or. WordWeb for Windows 10/8.1 is an informative program that comes to your aid to search for synonyms, examples, and definitions for numerous words. Besides the books, other simple methods to look a term up is using the Internet or specialized programs.

Most of us went through the process of learning a new language and studying different meanings and examples.